Watch our video — Giving More
than Money
Annual Report
A message from the
Tēnā koutou katoa. Greetings to all.
Welcome to our 2016/17 Annual Report.
It is hard to believe a year has passed since we sat down to write our last Founders' message!
Looking back and reflecting on the 676 organisations we have supported in the last year is a heart-warming experience. We are inspired by those working tirelessly in their communities and local environments to make real change, and are grateful for all they do.
Last year’s Annual Report, Inspiring Generosity, looked at the notion that giving is good for you. Kiwis shared their experiences and outlined the many personal benefits of giving to others, whether it be their time, skills or money.
That got us thinking about our work at The Tindall Foundation and our approach to giving.
Traditionally, philanthropy is seen as the desire to promote the welfare of others, usually in the form of a financial donation to a good cause. Increasingly, however, people tell us that the role The Tindall Foundation plays is about more than money. It’s about time, knowledge, expertise, influence, connections, capacity building, networking and convening. Some people call this ‘transformational’ philanthropy rather than the more traditional ‘transactional’ philanthropy.
The Tindall Foundation takes this role seriously. We’ve grown to understand that as funders we can be more effective by offering other resources as well as money. Providing support, skills, connections and communications can also help organisations achieve their goals — building on two-way relationships that are open to listening, learning and working together.
In this year’s report we focus on how The Tindall Foundation gives more than money.
Here you will hear from some of the organisations we supported in 2016/17. They share
their stories of the assistance they received beyond funding and how this has helped them
in the work they do.
We would like sincerely to thank everyone we have worked with over the past year and acknowledge our committed, hard-working staff and Trustees, who give so much of themselves to our Foundation.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to Joan Withers, who, after 15 years of exceptional support for our work, resigned as Trustee in September 2016. We appreciate Joan's long-standing service and the enormous value she brought to the Trustee team. In June this year we farewelled our much-respected colleague and friend, Dave Richards. Dave worked tirelessly for the Foundation for nine years and led a number of our key projects. We are hugely grateful to him for his many years of dedication to our work.
Stephen and Margaret Tindall
Founders — The Tindall Foundation
A message from the
Kia ora koutou. Welcome to our 2017 annual report.
This is my third year as Manager of The Tindall Foundation. In that time we’ve had a few changes in the team, both staff and Trustees, and have become involved in a range of new and exciting projects.
However, our philosophy over the past 23 years hasn’t changed and has been simple: to make the greatest difference we can with the resources we have. Our funding ranges from charitable donations given to grassroots projects, to large-scale, long-term, social change and environmental projects. In 2016/17 we gave away just under $9 million in donations and promised a further $9 million. Some were small donations of under $10,000; others were donations over $800,000.
When a major, complex issue with national impact needs addressing, we call on all tools in our toolbox (see more in the video) to help organisations find solutions to the problem and work with communities to instigate change.
The theme of this year’s Annual Report is ‘more than money’. From what organisations tell us, we’ve begun to understand that the value of our work goes beyond the funds we provide. When we give our time, effort and strategic input, or use our connections and influence, it gives them greater power to effect change.
That fits well with the way we generally try to work — strategically and in collaboration with organisations, other funders, government and businesses. We offer our skills and leadership, lending our influence and supporting efforts to advocate for change.
One example is the opportunity I have had over the past two years to work closely with some young people in foster care, government, three other philanthropic funders, and NGOs to establish VOYCE Whakarongo Mai. This is an independent organisation set up to connect young people in care and support them to influence change in the care system. It is a unique organisation — independent from government, but with a legislative requirement on government to provide core funding. Until recently I had the privilege of chairing the establishment board.
This year we’ve been interested to learn more about the value of being ‘more than a funder’, so we asked four organisations to share their experiences. We are very grateful to VOYCE Whakarongo Mai, Youth Connections, The Sunrise Foundation and GLOBE-NZ for sharing their experiences and helping us continue to learn about being an effective funder.
Nāku i runga i āku mihi ki a koe. Yours with thanks.
John McCarthy
Manager — The Tindall Foundation
Highlights of 2016/17
VOYCE Whakarongo Mai
The launch in April 2017 of VOYCE Whakarongo Mai, New Zealand’s first national advocacy service for children in foster care
Climate change agreement
GLOBE-NZ, through the Vivid Economics report, achieves the first cross-party climate change agreement in New Zealand
Trees that Count
Trees That Count secures pledges for over 3.1 million native trees to kick off a national movement to get everyone planting more trees and counting them for climate change
Community reach increases
Community Foundations reach over $100 million in funds under management and a further $240 million in promised funds, while distributing $4 million of their funds in 2016
The Ākina Foundation
The Ākina Foundation supports the establishment of seven new social enterprises
NFP Works
NFP Works delivers capacity building to 20 organisations to help them become more effective
Working Together More
Along with six other family foundations in the Working Together More Fund, giving $424,000 to groups working in collaboration
Significant donations 2016/17
Our Change-makers
Organisations tell us that it is often the non-financial support they receive that makes the difference. Rather than just giving money and walking away, The Tindall Foundation aims to ensure that our giving is impactful and effects change in the long term.
We support donation recipients by convening, opening doors, starting conversations and lending advice. We use our influence to engage other funders, government and stakeholders, and to raise awareness for their cause. And when we see a need that isn’t being met, we act to stimulate a response.
Here, four organisations we worked with in 2016/17 share their experiences of partnership with The Tindall Foundation, and explain how our approach to funding supports their activity. We call these innovative groups ‘change-maker organisations’.
In the last 22 years :
Our donations and commitments to New Zealand communities and the environment have totalled over
In addition, the Foundation has paid over $125M to the Government in prepaid tax.
Our funding managers and LACs have distributed
Key Statistics
Since the first Canterbury Earthquake in 2010 we have donated more than
to assist with response recovery and regeneration of the region
In 2016/17 The Tindall Foundation made these major commitments:
We gave donations to
organisations across
New Zealand
We paid donations
worth almost
$9 million
and committed to donations of a further
$9 million
Our top three programme areas are:
to Supporting Families and Social Services
to Caring for our Environment
to Encouraging Employment and Enterprise
Financial Information
Supporting Families and Social Services
Allocated by Funding Managers
Faith and Regional Communities
Allocated by The Tindall Foundation
Strengthening the Community Sector
Organisation Capacity Building
Research and Education
Cross Sector and Other
Emergency Response Fund (Canterbury)
Total Donations
Total Donations Paid Out
by Programme Areas
Promoting Generosity and Giving
Community Foundations
CF Capacity Building
Business, Social and Community Involvement Volunteerism
Caring for our Environment
Allocated by The Tindall Foundation
Environmental Education
Habitat Protection
Environmental Sustainability
Allocated by Funding Managers
Environmental Education/
Habitat Protection
NZ-based initiatives
Overseas-based initiatives
Encouraging Employment and Enterprise
Youth Employment and Enterprise
Community Employment and Enterprise
Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship
Digital Inclusion
Headline Summary of Key Cumulative Results (1995–2017)
Gross Dividends Received
Less Prepaid Tax (Imputation Credits)
Net Dividends Received
Donations Paid
Administration and Operating Expenses
(6.6% of Donations Paid)
Liquid Assets as at 31 March 2017
The Warehouse Group Limited — shares
Other Assets
Total Assets
$101,528,614 $170,756,346
Total Donations Committed
For the 2016/17 financial year, The Tindall Foundation paid out or committed to donations totalling $18,012,893. During the year we gave donations to 676 organisations across New Zealand.
Total Donations Paid Out
$ 8,996,055
Committed Donations (not yet paid) $9,016,838
Total Donations 2016/17
Find out who is behind The Tindall Foundation
During the second half of the 2016/17 financial year the Governance team has been made up of our Founders, Margaret and Stephen Tindall, their son Robbie and one independent Trustee, Jennifer Casey. After 15 years of exceptional support Joan Withers (far left) resigned as a Trustee in September 2016; we are grateful for her long-standing service to the Foundation.
The Tindall Foundation team
The Tindall Foundation is a private family foundation that gives to organisations and communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand by way of donations, training, capacity building and research, and by partnering with others. We want to see communities grow and prosper so our children's children will have the very best chance in life. As a family and as an organisation, we feel very fortunate to be in a position that enables us to share with others.
Our team is made up of (from left) Anne Tindall, Genevieve Northey, Elizabeth Tindall Tetro, John McCarthy, Kate Tindall Lum, Martina O’Driscoll and Jennifer Reid; after nine years with us we farewelled Dave Richards (far right) in June this year. We are grateful for the value he added to our team.
Key Consultants/Advisers
Trevor Gray
Bede Martin (Interact Canterbury)
Melanie Wilson
Glenn and Sharyn Cant
Peter Dowling
Margot Nicholson (NFP Works)
Annie Ackerman
Jan van Vliet
Financial Advisers
RSM Hayes Audit
Creative Direction and Design
Editorial Content and
Production Management
Elizabeth Tindall Tetro
Creative Contributors
Photography and film by
Kaan Hiini from Curative
Legal Advisers
Chapman Tripp
Grove Darlow and Partners
IT Advisers
Circle IT
Clockwork Consulting
Postal Address
PO Box 33 181, Takapuna
Auckland 0740
New Zealand
(09) 488 0170